Welcome to Auckland Council GeoMaps
This website contains information about properties in the Auckland region and is provided by Auckland Council as a public service. Before you begin using this website, please be aware that there are Terms and Conditions of Use associated with this website and any use of the information provided in it.
Terms and Conditions
You are permitted to use this website and any data, maps, plans, content and information (“information”) provided by this website, on the following terms and conditions:
1.This website and the information provided in it are the copyright of the Auckland Council. This website is a public service and may be used for personal and business purposes. However, you are not permitted to copy or republish any substantial amount of the information from this website without the prior written consent of Auckland Council.
2.Information on this website has been derived from various sources, including Auckland Council’s databases. Boundary information is derived under licence from LINZ Digital Cadastral Database (Crown Copyright Reserved) and road centre line data from CoreLogic. Wastewater and Water network information is supplied by Watercare.
3.Rating and valuation information contained in this website is restricted to the information that is required to be made available to the general public according to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 and the Rating Valuations Act 1998.
4.Whilst due care has been taken in providing this website, all information should be considered as being illustrative and indicative only. Your use of information from this website is entirely at your own risk.
5.Auckland Council does not give and expressly disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or its fitness for any purpose.
6.Auckland Council accepts no liability for any error, omission, or inaccuracy of the information or from any use of or reliance on the information provided by this website.
7.You should independently verify the accuracy of any information before taking any action in reliance upon it, i.e. the actual locations of any pipes or services shown on a plan should be physically verified on site prior to any design, construction or other works taking place, property boundaries should be verified by a qualified surveyor.
8.You waive and release Auckland Council from any claims arising from your use of this website or the information provided by it.
9.You indemnify Auckland Council against all claims, loss or damages arising in connection with your use of this website or the information provided by it.
10.Information from this web site may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes.